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I love makeup but I've never really experimented with it until I started reading other beauty blogs. I love, love colors.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Aromaleigh Drama + "Lost In Faerie"

So apparently, there *was* a whole ton of stuff going on with the issues surrounding Aromaleigh and the people attacking her. I think you can get a good idea of what's the 'ugly' in Aromaleigh's closing post. Something called R4TU (Rant4theugly)? Wtf. I dunno. Haha. Go here for the story.

In other happier news, the "Lost In Faerie" collection has been released! There are no color descriptions and this is only a sample set but dang, the colors are BEAUTIFUL. I'm wondering if it's worth it just waiting for the entire set to come out instead of just getting the little baggies. I know 1/16th tsp is a pretty standard sample size but the baggies make it seem so tiny. Yes, appearance is not everything and more than likely, I will break down and just purchase.

I've seen a lot of swatches over the past few days and the colors are all positively GORGEOUS. Take a peek for yourself: Lost In Faerie Sample Set

I received my tracking information for both Sassy Minerals and my TAL (BPAL) order! WOOO. I'm getting a bit worried about my order with Morgana Minerals since it was sent in before Sassy and TAL. I know they take about 1-2 weeks to ship so maybe by the end of next week, if I haven't heard anything, I'll send them a note.

I may be purchasing from Cory Cosmetics soon. Trying to clamp down on the spending. Still...I'm open to any suggestions. :)

I promise swatches will be coming! (July 4th is this weekend though...crap.)

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