There are so many collections to catch up on! In addition, I've got so many swatches to post! Here's all the swatches of the last haul I got from Darling Girl Cosmetics:

Aren't they lovely? These color are all a part of the general catalog over at Susan's store. I absolutely love every single color here - this rarely happens when I purchase en masse at a makeup store. I wish I had the time to do my makeup every single day because I would absolutely love to see what awesome looks could come out with these colors. As always, the texture is fantastic. I swatched them over Pixie Epoxy. I have Glitter Glue coming my way and I can't wait to test it out!
What about you? What lovely looks have you created before with some of these colors?
Gosh you're so right about loving every single color that you get from DGC! I love all of mine too and have to restrain myself from ordering every single color as I don't do my make up every day.
'Karma' looks lovely and is a color I might want to wear daily. I love that sort of bruised brown.
Good seeing a pot from you! Hope all has been well with you (:
I recently ordered their glitter glue to try it and I'm still trying to figure it out... but it's really nice, and I adore the samples I got. I can't wait to place another order (seriously, why do I still have to be unemployed and poor as Hell? THERE ARE THINGS I WANT).
Gahhh, all of these colors are so beautiful! No-buy November :( But congrats on the new apartment! I recently moved too, so I understand the stress of it. Good luck!
Oh man how did I manage to miss this post in my reader queue? I'm so glad you've posted again and I hope things get less hectic for you!
Amazing swatches! I've only just discovered your blog and it's awesome.
And just for good measure, I've awarded you the Tell Me About Yourself blog award so I can find out a little more about you! It's at
Hi, I came across your site and wasn’t able to get an email address to contact you. Would you please consider adding a link to my website on your page. Please email me back.
Hailey William
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