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I love makeup but I've never really experimented with it until I started reading other beauty blogs. I love, love colors.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Blogger Meme

Hello all! Taking some pictures, typing up some reviews, you should all see something pretty soon (perhaps this upcoming weekend?). In the meantime, I got tagged by the lovely Mng over at I'm Not Skinny, So What? Go and check out her awesome blog!

1. Name your favorite color: Red.

2. Name your favorite song: Currently, it's "One In A Million" by Ne-Yo.

3. Name your favorite dessert: Taro flavored frozen yogurt. Hell yeah, Yogiberry!

4. What is pissing you off? Nothing at all.

5. When you're upset, you... Go to the gym. I do kickboxing at least 3 nights a week so it's a great stress reliever.

6. Your favorite pet: I've never had a pet. :(

7. Black or White? Most definitely black.

8. Your biggest fear is...: Failure. Missing out on things. :)

9. Your best feature is...: My smile! I used to have braces and lazy me didn't wear the retainer so they're not as straight as they were when I first got my braces off.

10. Everyday attitude: Loud and obnoxious. Lol.

11. What is perfection? Boring and seems stressful. Imperfect little me means I can get away with a shit-ton. Haaaaa.

12. Guilty pleasure: Laying in bed with my IPOD on. Seriously, best thing ever.

I tag...whomever! :)


mNg said...

What?! You never had a pet too? I thought I was the only person. LOL. Seriously though, people always make fun of me when I tell them I never had any pets in my life =/ But yay! Now I have a no-pet buddy <3

Ki said...

Ha ha ha what is a yogiberry? :D

Lady In A Top Hat said...

@mNg - Unfortunately allergies prevented them. I told my friend I wanted a furry animal and he snarked that I should get a boyfriend. SERIOUS WTF moment, haha!

@Ki - It's a frozen yogurt shop around me - I absolutely love it! I tried dragging my friend out one night in 110 degree (hot AND humid) weather and he refused. I was not a happy person, haha!

Michael Rochelle said...

Alice, you are so funny. "A shit-ton?" Really??? LOL. Thanks for passing on the link to your blog. You've got a new follower.